QSPI API Reference
Header File
bk_err_t bk_qspi_driver_init(void)
Init the QSPI driver.
This API init the resoure common:
Init QSPI driver control memory
- Attention
1. This API should be called before any other QSPI APIs.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_driver_deinit(void)
Deinit the QSPI driver.
This API free all resource related to QSPI and disable QSPI.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_init(qspi_id_t id, const qspi_config_t *config)
Init the QSPI.
This API init the QSPI:
Power up the QSPI
Configure the QSPI clock
Map the QSPI to dedicated GPIO port
Enabel QSPI interrupt
- Parameters
config – QSPI parameter settings
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_QSPI_NOT_INIT: QSPI driver not init
BK_ERR_NULL_PARAM: QSPI config parameter is NULL
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_deinit(qspi_id_t id)
Deinit the QSPI.
This API deinit the QSPI:
Disable the QSPI interrupt
Power down the QSPI
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_command(qspi_id_t id, const qspi_cmd_t *cmd)
Init the QSPI command.
- Parameters
cmd – QSPI device command
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_write(qspi_id_t id, const void *data, uint32_t size)
QSPI indirect mode write.
- Parameters
base_addr – QSPI write address
data – QSPI write data
size – the size of QSPI write data
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_read(qspi_id_t id, void *data, uint32_t size)
QSPI indirect mode read.
- Parameters
base_addr – QSPI read address
data – QSPI read data
size – the size of QSPI read data
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_register_tx_isr(qspi_isr_t isr, void *param)
Register the TX interrupt service routine for QSPI.
- Parameters
isr – QSPI TX callback
param – QSPI TX callback parameter
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_register_rx_isr(qspi_isr_t isr, void *param)
Register the RX interrupt service routine for QSPI.
- Parameters
isr – QSPI RX callback
param – QSPI RX callback parameter
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
Header File
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_init(qspi_id_t id)
Init the QSPI psram.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_QSPI_NOT_INIT: QSPI driver not init
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_deinit(qspi_id_t id)
Deinit the QSPI psram.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_QSPI_NOT_INIT: QSPI driver not init
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_enter_quad_mode(qspi_id_t id)
QSPI psram enter quad mode.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_exit_quad_mode(qspi_id_t id)
QSPI psram exit quad mode.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_quad_write(qspi_id_t id)
QSPI psram init quad write.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_single_write(qspi_id_t id)
QSPI psram init single write.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_quad_read(qspi_id_t id)
QSPI psram init quad read.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_qspi_psram_single_read(qspi_id_t id)
QSPI psram init single read.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
QSPI API Typedefs
Header File
struct qspi_driver_t
struct qspi_callback_t
QSPI driver not init
QSPI id not init
Type Definitions
Header File
struct qspi_config_t
Public Members
qspi_src_clk_t src_clk
QSPI source clock
uint32_t src_clk_div
QSPI source clock divide number
uint32_t clk_div
QSPI controller clock divide number
qspi_src_clk_t src_clk
struct qspi_cmd_t
Public Members
qspi_wire_mode_t wire_mode
wire mode
qspi_work_mode work_mode
work mode
uint32_t cmd
QSPI command
uint32_t addr
QSPI address
uint32_t dummy_cycle
QSPI dummy cycle
uint32_t data_len
QSPI data length
qspi_device_t device
QSPI slave device
qspi_wire_mode_t wire_mode
Type Definitions
typedef uint8_t qspi_unit_t
QSPI uint id
enum qspi_op_t
enumerator QSPI_READ
QSPI read operation
enumerator QSPI_WRITE
QSPI write operation
enumerator QSPI_READ
enum qspi_src_clk_t
enumerator QSPI_SCLK_320M
QSPI source clock 320M
enumerator QSPI_SCLK_480M
QSPI source clock 480M
enumerator QSPI_SCLK_320M