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FLASH API Reference
Header File
bk_err_t bk_flash_driver_init(void)
Init the flash driver.
This API init the resoure common:
Init flash driver control memory
- Attention
1. This API should be called before any other flash APIs.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_driver_deinit(void)
Deinit the flash driver.
This API free all resource related to flash and disable flash.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_set_line_mode(flash_line_mode_t line_mode)
Set flash line mode.
- Parameters
line_mode – flash line mode
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
flash_line_mode_t bk_flash_get_line_mode(void)
Get flash line mode.
- Returns
flash line mode
uint32_t bk_flash_get_id(void)
Get flash id.
- Returns
flash line mode
bk_err_t bk_flash_set_clk_dpll(void)
Set flash clock dpll.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_set_clk_dco(void)
Set flash clock dco.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_write_enable(void)
Enable flash write.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_write_disable(void)
Disable flash write.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_set_protect_type(flash_protect_type_t type)
Set flash protect type.
- Parameters
type – flash protect type
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
flash_protect_type_t bk_flash_get_protect_type(void)
Get flash protect type.
- Returns
the flash protect type
uint16_t bk_flash_read_status_reg(void)
Get flash status register value.
- Returns
the flash status register value
bk_err_t bk_flash_write_status_reg(uint16_t status_reg_data)
Set flash status register value.
- Parameters
status_reg_data – the flash status register data
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_erase_sector(uint32_t address)
Erase a sector of flash, use flash command 0x20.
- Parameters
address – flash address
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_FLASH_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE: flash address is out of range
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_erase_block(uint32_t address)
Erase a sector of flash, use flash command 0xD8.
- Parameters
address – flash address
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_FLASH_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE: flash address is out of range
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_enter_deep_sleep(void)
Entry flash deep power-down flash, use flash command 0xB9.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_FAIL: failed
bk_err_t bk_flash_exit_deep_sleep(void)
Exit flash deep power-down flash, use flash command 0xAB.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_FAIL: failed
bk_err_t bk_flash_write_bytes(uint32_t address, const uint8_t *user_buf, uint32_t size)
Write data to flash.
- Parameters
address – address to write
user_buf – the pointer to data which is to write
size – size to write
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_FLASH_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE: flash address is out of range
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_read_bytes(uint32_t address, uint8_t *user_buf, uint32_t size)
Read data from flash.
- Parameters
address – address to read
user_buf – the buffer to read the data
size – size to read
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_FLASH_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE: flash address is out of range
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_read_word(uint32_t address, uint32_t *user_buf, uint32_t size)
Read data from flas.
- Parameters
address – address to read
user_buf – the buffer to read the data, intend to psram addr must aline by 4 Bytes
size – size to read, length uint by byte
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_FLASH_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE: flash address is out of range
others: other errors.
bool bk_flash_is_driver_inited(void)
Get flash init flag.
- Returns
the flash init flag
uint32_t bk_flash_get_current_total_size(void)
Get flash total size.
- Returns
the flash total size
bk_err_t bk_flash_register_ps_suspend_callback(flash_ps_callback_t ps_suspend_cb)
Register flash power save suspend callback.
- Parameters
ps_suspend_cb – power save suspend callback
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_register_ps_resume_callback(flash_ps_callback_t ps_resume_cb)
Register flash power save resume callback.
- Parameters
ps_resume_cb – power save resume callback
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_clk_switch(uint32_t flash_speed_type, uint32_t modules)
Modify flash speed type.
- Parameters
flash_speed_type – the high/low type of flash clock
modules – the app module to control the flash spped
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_flash_register_wait_cb(flash_wait_callback_t wait_cb)
register a callback to be called when flash is busy waiting. WARNING/NOTES:
the wait_cb code is better in ITCM to avoid running in flash. or the wait_cb will be blocked until flash is idle. 2.The wait_cb will be called forever until flash is idle, so the implemetion of wait_cb should garante the programm is safe.
BK_OK: succeed
others: registered too many(>4) wait_cb to flash.
- Parameters
wait_cb:If – flash is writing/erasing, it will block all of other applications. But maybe the application can’t be blocked when flash is writing/erasing. So the application should register this wait_cb to flash. When flash is writing/erasing, it will call this wait_cb
- Returns
bk_err_t bk_flash_unregister_wait_cb(flash_wait_callback_t wait_cb)
unregister the wait_cb from flash waiting.
- Parameters
wait_cb:If – flash is writing/erasing, it will block all of other applications. But maybe the application can’t be blocked when flash is writing/erasing. So the application should register this wait_cb to flash. When flash is writing/erasing, it will call this wait_cb
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: The wait_cb isn’t registered to flash.
bk_err_t bk_flash_set_operate_status(flash_op_status_t status)
Set flash operate status.
- Parameters
flash – operate status
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
flash_op_status_t bk_flash_get_operate_status(void)
Get flash operate status.
- Returns
flash operate status
FLASH API Typedefs
Header File
FLASH driver not init
FLASH address is out of range
FLASH partition not found
FLASH wait cb is registered too much
FLASH wait cb is not registered but tried to unregister
Type Definitions
typedef void (*flash_ps_callback_t)(void)
typedef void (*flash_wait_callback_t)(void)
enum flash_line_mode_t
flash line mode 2
flash line mode 4
Header File
Type Definitions
typedef uint8_t flash_unit_t
flash uint id
enum flash_op_cmd_t
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_WREN
flash command write enable
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_WRDI
flash command write disable
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_RDSR
flash command read status register
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_WRSR
flash command write status register
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_READ
flash command read data
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_RDSR2
flash command read status register-2
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_WRSR2
flash command write status register-2
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_PP
flash command page program
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_SE
flash command sector erase
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_BE1
flash command block erase-1
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_BE2
flash command block erase-2
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_CE
flash command chip erase
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_DP
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_RFDP
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_RDID
flash command read device id
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_HPM
flash command high performance mode
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_CRMR
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_CRMR2
enumerator FLASH_OP_CMD_WREN