BK7256 CPU0的log通过串口uart1输出(默认波特率为115200)
BK7256 CPU1的log通过mailbox转发到CPU0串口uart1输出(默认波特率为115200)
CPU1 log带cpu1标签(异常log除外)
由于内存缓冲区的限制,每条log数据的字节数,要小于128字节。超过这个大小的log都会被shell 模块丢弃,并输出一条 !!some LOGs discarded!! 如果log数量太多,来不及输出导致log堆积,缓冲区用完,也会输出这条提示字符串。
通过串口输入log 1 3 1命令设置log为同步机制
log 1 3 1 命令第一个参数为echo开关 (0/1),第二个参数为log级别(0~6),第三个参数为同步开关(0异步,1同步)
# #log 1 3 1 log: echo 1, level 3, sync 1. # #help ====Build-in Commands==== help log: log [echo(0,1)] [level(0~5)] [sync(0,1)] debug: debug cmd [param] (ex:debug help) cpu1: cpu1 cmd (ex:cpu1 help) loginfo: log statistics. modlog: modlog tag_name on/off ====User Commands==== AT: AT AT+BLE: AT+TYPE_CMD=CMD_name,param1,...,paramn AT+MAC: mac <mac>, get/set mac. e.g. mac c89346000001 AT+RST: AT+RST AT+VIDEO: video cmd(open/read/close) AT+WIFIAP: at ap config AT+WIFISTA: at sta config AT+WIFISTATE: state adc_api_test: adc_api_test [] adc_driver: adc_driver [init/deinit] adc_test: adc_test [channel] [start/stop/dump_statis] alpha_blend2: bk_example_alpha_blend alpha_fill_blend_p2: bk_example_alpha_blend alpha_fill_blend_p3: bk_example_alpha_blend alpha_patrtial_blend: bk_example_alpha_blend aon_rtc: aon_rtc {id} {create|destroy} aon_rtc_driver: aon_rtc_driver {init|deinit} aon_rtc_int: aon_rtc_int {id} {tick|upper} ap: ap ssid [password] assert: asset and dump system information aud_adc_dma_test: aud_adc_dma_test {start|stop} aud_adc_loop_test: aud_adc_loop_test {start|stop} aud_adc_mcp_test: aud_adc_mcp_test {start|stop} aud_adc_to_file_test: aud_adc_to_file_test {start|stop} aud_adc_to_sd_test: aud_adc_to_sd_test {start|stop} aud_cp0_adc_to_sd_test: aud_cp0_adc_to_sd_test {start|stop} aud_cp0_mic_to_pcm: aud_cp0_mic_to_pcm {start|stop} aud_cp0_psram_init: aud_cp0_psram_init {start|stop} aud_cp0_sdcard_play_test: aud_cp0_sdcard_play_test{start} aud_dtmf_loop_test: aud_dtmf_loop_test {start|stop} aud_dtmf_mcp_test: aud_dtmf_mcp_test {start|stop} aud_enable_adc_test: aud_enable_adc_test {start|stop} aud_eq_test: aud_eq_test {start|stop} aud_mic_to_pcm_test: aud_mic_to_pcm_test {start|stop} aud_pcm_dma_test: aud_pcm_dma_test {8000|16000|44100|48000|stop} aud_pcm_mcp_test: aud_pcm_mcp_test {8000|16000|44100|48000} backtrace: show task backtrace ble: ble arg1 arg2 bootcore1: boot slave core,0:start,1:stop,others:start and stop many times cali: cali auto_test cca: cca open\close\show channel: channel {1~13} - set monitor channel cpuload: show task cpu load deep_sleep: deep_sleep [param] dhcpc: dhcpc dma: dma {id} {init|deinit|start|stop|set_tran_len|get_remain_len} dma2d_565_to_888: dma2d_pfc = RedBlueSwapConfig dma2d_565_to_8888: dma2d_pfc = RedBlueSwapConfig dma2d_8888_to_565: dma2d_pfc = RedBlueSwapConfig dma2d_888_to_565: dma2d_pfc = RedBlueSwapConfig dma2d_mem_to_mem: dma2d_mem_to_mem dma2d_memcpy_display: dma2d_mem_to_mem dma_driver: dma_driver {init|deinit} dma_int: dma_int {id} {reg|enable_hf_fini|disable_hf_fini|enable_fini|disable_fini} dvfs: dvfs [cksel_core] [ckdiv_core] [ckdiv_bus] [ckdiv_cpu0] [ckdiv_cpu1] efuse: efuse [-r addr] [-w addr data] efuse_driver: efuse_driver {init|deinit} efuse_test: efuse_test {write|read} efusemac: efusemac [-r] [-w] [mac] event: event {reg|unreg|post} {mod_id} {event_id} exception: {undefine|dabort|illegal|irq|fiq} fatfstest: fatfstest <cmd> fft_fft_test: fft_fft_test {start|stop} fft_ifft_test: fft_ifft_test {start|stop} filter: filter <bits> - bit0/d, 1/preq, 2/prsp, 3/b, 4/a flash: flash <cmd(R/W/E/N)> fmap: flash memory map get: get wifi status gpio: gpio [set_mode/output_low/output_high/input/spi_mode] [id] [mode] gpio_driver: gpio_driver [init/deinit]} gpio_int: gpio_int [index] [inttype/start/stop] [low/high_level/rising/falling edge] gpio_map: gpio_map [sdio_map/spi_map] http_ota: http_ota url i2c: i2c {init|write|read} i2c_driver: i2c_driver {init|deinit} ip: ip [sta|ap][{ip}{mask}{gate}{dns}] iperf: iperf help iplog: iplog [modle] jpeg: jpeg {init|deint} jpeg_driver: jpeg_driver {init|deinit} jtagmode: get jtag mode la: bk7256:la rf_adc/fe_adc/rf_dac/fe_dac;bk7236:la rx_adc/rx_dac/tx_dac lcd_8080_init: lcd_8080_init {start|stop} lcd_close: lcd_close lcd_cp0_psram_to_sdcard: lcd_cp0_psram_to_sdcard {start|stop} lcd_fill: lcd_dma2d_blending lcd_jpegdec: jpeg-jpegdec-lcd lcd_rgb_clolor: lcd_rgb_clolor {close|open} lcd_rgb_data_test: lcd_rgb_data_test {start|stop} lcd_video: lcd_video=96M,8,25 lcd_video_jpeg_dec: lcd_video_jpeg_dec = 96M,8,25,4 lcd_video_power: lcd_video_power = on/off low_power: low_power [sleep_mode] [wake_source] [vote1] [vote2] [vote3] [param1] [param2] low_power_debug: low_power_debug [debug_en_value] low_power_vote: low_power_vote [low_power_sleep_mode] [low_power_vote] [low_power_vote_value] mac: mac <mac>, get/set mac. e.g. mac c89346000001 mac_ps: mac_ps {func} [param1] [param2] memdump: <addr> <length> memleak: [show memleak memp: print memp list memset: <addr> <value 1> [<value 2> ... <value n>] memshow: show free heap memstack: show stack memory usage micodebug: micodebug on/off monitor: monitor {1~13|15|99} net: net {sta/ap} ... - wifi net config osinfo: show os runtime information ping: ping <ip> printf_log: printf_log {close|open} ps: ps {rfdtim|mcudtim|rf_timer} {1|0} psram: psram enable clk_div pwm: pwm {chan} {config|start|stop|init|deinit|signal} [...] pwm_capture: pwm_capture {chan} {config|start|stop|init|deinit} pwm_carrier: pwm_carrier pwm_counter: pwm_counter pwm_driver: {init|deinit} [26M|DCO]} pwm_duty: pwm_duty {chan} {period} {d1} [d2] [d3] pwm_group: pwm_group {init|deinit|config|start|stop} [...] pwm_int: pwm_int {chan} {reg|enable|disable} pwm_timer: pwm_timer reboot: reboot system regdump: regdump {module} regshow: regshow -w/r addr [value] rfcali_cfg_mode: 1:manual, 0:auto rfcali_cfg_rate_dist: b g n40 ble (0-31) rfcali_cfg_tssi_b: 0-255 rfcali_cfg_tssi_g: 0-255 rfcali_show_data: rxsens: rxsens [-m] [-d] [-c] [-l] saradc: start close scan: scan [ssid] sdtest: sdtest <cmd> setjtagmode: reboot system spi: spi {init|write|read} spi_config: spi_config {id} {mode|baud_rate} [...] spi_driver: spi_driver {init|deinit} spi_int: spi_int {id} {reg} {tx|rx} sta: sta ssid [password][bssid][channel] state: state - show STA/AP state stop: stop {sta|ap} tasklist: list tasks testcommonio: test common io time: system time timer: timer {chan} {start|stop|read} [...] touch_multi_channel_scan_mode_test: touch_multi_channel_scan_mode_test {multi_channel_value} {start|stop} touch_single_channel_calib_mode_test: touch_single_channel_calib_mode_test {0|1|...|15} touch_single_channel_manul_mode_test: touch_single_channel_manul_mode_test {0|1|...|15} {calibration_value} trng: trng {start|stop|get} trng_driver: {init|deinit} txevm: txevm [-m] [-c] [-l] [-r] [-w] uart: uart {id} {init|deinit|write|read|write_string|dump_statis} [...] uart_config: uart_config {id} {baud_rate|data_bits} [...] uart_driver: {init|deinit} uart_int: uart_int {id} {enable|disable|reg} {tx|rx} vault_driver: vault_driver {init|deinit} vault_system: vault_system {version|state|reset} version video_buffer: open / close / read len video_transfer: video_transfer --help wdt: wdt {start|stop|feed} [...] wdt_driver: {init|deinit}
可以通过cpu1 help的命令格式,输入cpu1的调试命令:
#cpu1 version #cpu1:get_version cpu1:firmware version : Apr 14 2022 23:49:08 #
需要安装ANDES/AndeSight STD_V5.1.1软件
可以通过setjtagmode cpu0 group1命令设置jtag连接cpu0
可以通过setjtagmode cpu1 group1设置jtag连接cpu1
*********************************************************************************************** ***********************************user except handler begin*********************************** *********************************************************************************************** Current regs: 1 ra x 0xcc160 2 sp x 0x3002573c 4 tp x 0x0 5 t0 x 0x5 6 t1 x 0xcc160 7 t2 x 0x1880 10 a0 x 0x5 11 a1 x 0xcc164 12 a2 x 0x0 13 a3 x 0x30019648 14 a4 x 0x0 15 a5 x 0x30019638 16 a6 x 0xff68 17 a7 x 0x98 28 t3 x 0x30025980 29 t4 x 0x200017c4 30 t5 x 0x1 31 t6 x 0x81 32 pc x 0xcc15c 833 mstatus x 0x1880 898 mepc x 0xcc160 899 mcause x 0x5 2053 mxstatus x 0x30021eb0 System will dump memory in 5s, please ready to save whole log......... [10:04:22.401]收←◆>>>>dump task backtrace begin. task stack_addr top size overflow backtrace IDLE [0x30011f38 ~ 0x30012338] 0x3001225c 1024 0 2ab18 2aaf0 2a9f2 10b8c 1800 2abc8 tcp/ip [0x300221f0 ~ 0x300229f0] 0x3002287c 2048 0 29984 2997e 2a9f2 1880 fffc 10b82 982 104fc 21706 21706 17656 12476 core_thread [0x30025120 ~ 0x30025920] 0x300257bc 2048 0 cc164 cc160 cc124 ff68 1880 cf326 ae0f4 ce124 ce464 wpas_thread [0x30026960 ~ 0x30027960] 0x3002780c 4096 0 29984 2997e 2a9f2 50f2 1880 256 10b6c 982 dfb50 e1190 4ae df9e2 7e8 30570 e1190 e131a Tmr Svc [0x300112d0 ~ 0x30011ed0] 0x30011dec 3072 0 2b26e 2b268 2a9f2 1880 cli [0x30029080 ~ 0x3002a080] 0x30029f2c 4096 0 29ae6 29ae0 2a9f2 1880 b196 792 1cc8 event [0x30021590 ~ 0x30021d90] 0x30021c3c 2048 0 29984 2997e 2a9f2 1880 e6b4 982 2b818 28314 ble [0x30027c30 ~ 0x30028830] 0x3002870c 3072 0 29984 2997e 2a9f2 fffe faa8 1880 3e8 1005e 982 65b70 59386 593ec dhcp-server [0x3002ae10 ~ 0x3002b290] 0x3002b01c 1152 0 29ae6 29ae0 2a9f2 1880 10b20 792 105a0 21640 11eb0 19578 112 3cf2e 3ceac kmsgbk [0x30023950 ~ 0x30024950] 0x3002484c 4096 0 29ae6 29ae0 2a9f2 1880 10b56 792 ce0c4 <<<<dump task backtrace end. >>>>dump task list begin. task state pri water no core_thread X 7 291 7 ble R 5 403 11 IDLE R 0 201 2 wpas_thread B 4 535 10 tcp/ip B 7 315 5 cli B 3 763 12 event B 0 381 4 dhcp-server B 7 43 14 kmsgbk B 6 955 6 Tmr Svc B 2 711 3 <<<<dump task list end. *********************************************************************************************** ************************************user except handler end************************************ *********************************************************************************************** Unhandled Trap : mcause = 0x5, mepc = 0xcc160
~/Version$ /opt/risc-v/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5/bin/riscv32-elf-addr2line -e *.elf -piaf cc160 0x000cc160: rwm_upload_data at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rw_msdu.c:1299
core_thread [0x30025120 ~ 0x30025920] 0x300257bc 2048 0 cc164 cc160 cc124 ff68 1880 cf326 ae0f4 ce124 ce464
这里面的列出来的cc164 cc160 cc124 ff68 1880 cf326 ae0f4 ce124 ce464是任务栈里可能的函数指针:
~/Version$ /opt/risc-v/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5/bin/riscv32-elf-addr2line -piaf -e *.elf cc164 cc160 cc124 ff68 1880 cf326 ae0f4 ce124 ce464 0x000cc164: rwm_upload_data at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rw_msdu.c:1299 0x000cc160: rwm_upload_data at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rw_msdu.c:1299 0x000cc124: rwm_upload_data at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rw_msdu.c:1282 0x00001880: hint_out at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/components/bk_cli/shell_task.c:536 0x000cf326: fhost_rx_desc_handler at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rwnx_rx.c:230 0x000ae0f4: macif_rx_app_handler at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/ip_ax/macsw/modules/macif/src/macif_fhost.c:306 0x000ce124: bmsg_rx_handler at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rw_task.c:124 0x000ce464: core_thread_main at /home/jenkins/workspace/ArminoMainCI/properties/modules/rwnx_intf/rw_task.c:521