DMA2D Interface
DMA2D Features
- fill specific color
Fill part or all of the target image with a specific color
- mem to mem copy
Copy part or all of the source image to part or all of the target image
- mem to mem with pixel conversion
Copy part or all of the source image to part or all of the target image through pixel format conversion
- mem to mem with pixel conversionwith and blending
Part or all of the two source images with different pixel formats are mixed, and the result is copied to the part or the entire target :image with different color formats
DMA2D API Categories
Description |
initializes the DMA2D |
config the DMA2D |
Deinitializes the DMA2D peripheral |
Configure the background or foreground Layer |
Start the DMA2D Transfer |
Start the multi-source DMA2D Transfer |
check dma2d is transfer busy or not |
clear dma2d int status |
Lcd transfer pixel config |
DMA2D Register ISR API |
Description |
register dma2d cpu int isr |
register dma2d int type isr |
DMA2D Work Config
1、fill specific color

Figure 1. dma2d_fill_color
2、mem to mem copy

Figure 2. dma2d_mem_to_mem
3、mem to mem with pixel conversion
The Figure API is the same as dma2d_mem_to_mem please reference the API Reference for the different config
4、mem to mem with pixel conversion and blending

Figure 3. dma2d_mem_to_mem_with_pixel_conversion_and_blending
API Reference
Header File
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_driver_init(void)
initializes the DMA2D system and peripheral registers
- open dma2d sys interrupt enable
- Attention
you can reference cli_dma2d.c for all API usage
- 参数
dma2d_config – pointer to a dma2d_config_t structure that contains the configuration information for the DMA2D.
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_init(dma2d_config_t *dma2d)
config dma2d work mode/ data format/ offset etc.
Usage example:
dma2d_config_t dma2d_config = {0}; dma2d_config.init.mode = DMA2D_R2M; Mode Register to Memory dma2d_config.init.color_mode = DMA2D_OUTPUT_RGB565; DMA2D Output color mode is ARGB4444 (16 bpp) dma2d_config.init.output_offset = 0; No offset in output dma2d_config.init.red_blue_swap = DMA2D_RB_REGULAR; No R&B swap for the output image dma2d_config.init.alpha_inverted = DMA2D_REGULAR_ALPHA; No alpha inversion for the output image bk_dma2d_init(&dma2d_config);
- Attention
you can reference cli_dma2d.c for all API usage
- 参数
dma2d_config – pointer to a dma2d_config_t structure that contains the configuration information for the DMA2D.
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_driver_deinit(void)
Deinitializes the DMA2D peripheral registers to their default reset values.
- reset the dma2d driver init reg
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_layer_config(dma2d_config_t *dma2d, uint32_t layer_idx)
Configure the DMA2D background or foreground Layer include layer offset, color mode, alpha value etc.
Usage example:
dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER].alpha_mode = DMA2D_REPLACE_ALPHA; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER].input_alpha = alpha_value; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER].input_color_mode = DMA2D_INPUT_RGB565; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER].input_offset = fg_offline; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER].red_blue_swap = DMA2D_RB_REGULAR; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER].alpha_inverted = DMA2D_REGULAR_ALPHA; Background layer Configuration dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER].alpha_mode = DMA2D_REPLACE_ALPHA; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER].input_alpha = 0x80; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER].input_color_mode = DMA2D_INPUT_RGB565; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER].input_offset = bg_offline; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER].red_blue_swap = DMA2D_RB_REGULAR; dma2d_config.layer_cfg[DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER].alpha_inverted = DMA2D_REGULAR_ALPHA; bk_dma2d_layer_config(&dma2d_config, DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER); bk_dma2d_layer_config(&dma2d_config, DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER);
- 参数
dma2d – Pointer to a dma2d_config_t structure that contains the configuration information for the DMA2D.
LayerIdx DMA2D Layer index. This parameter can be one of the following values: DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER(0) / DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER(1)
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_start_transfer(dma2d_config_t *dma2d, uint32_t pdata, uint32_t dst_addr, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
Start the DMA2D Transfer when you use (bk_dma2d_driver_init) and (bk_dma2d_layer_config) API, then use this API start dma2d work.
dst_addr: The destination memory Buffer address.
Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of pixels per line).
Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of lines).
Usage example:
dma2d_config_t dma2d_config = {0}; dma2d_config.init.mode = DMA2D_R2M; Mode Register to Memory dma2d_config.init.color_mode = DMA2D_OUTPUT_RGB565; DMA2D Output color mode is ARGB4444 (16 bpp) dma2d_config.init.output_offset = 0; No offset in output dma2d_config.init.red_blue_swap = DMA2D_RB_REGULAR; No R&B swap for the output image dma2d_config.init.alpha_inverted = DMA2D_REGULAR_ALPHA; No alpha inversion for the output image bk_dma2d_driver_init(&dma2d_config); bk_dma2d_start_transfer(&dma2d_config, color, (uint32_t)dst_addr, width, high);
- 参数
dma2d, : – Pointer to a dma2d_config_t structure that contains the configuration information for the DMA2D.
pdata: have two means:
1: if the Memory-to-Memory or Memory-to-Memory with pixel format select, should Configure the source memory Buffer address
2: if Register-to-Memory mode is selected, should configure the color value
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_start_blending(dma2d_config_t *dma2d, uint32_t fg_addr, uint32_t bg_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
Start the multi-source DMA2D Transfer. start foreground layer and background layer blending.
Usage example:
1: bk_dma2d_driver_init(&dma2d_config); 2: bk_dma2d_layer_config(&dma2d_config, DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER); 3: bk_dma2d_layer_config(&dma2d_config, DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER); 4:bk_dma2d_blending_start(&dma2d_config, (uint32_t)pFgaddr, (uint32_t)pBgaddr, (uint32_t)pDst, xsize ,ysize);
- Attention
you can reference cli_dma2d.c for API usage
- 参数
- – dma2d: Pointer to a dma2d_config_t structure that contains the configuration information for the DMA2D.
fg_addr: The source memory Buffer address for the foreground layer.
bg_addr: The source memory Buffer address for the background layer.
dst_addr: The destination memory Buffer address.
Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of pixels per line).
Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of lines).
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bool bk_dma2d_is_transfer_busy(void)
this API is check dma2d is transfer busy or not
Usage example:
1: bk_dma2d_driver_init(&dma2d_config); 2: bk_dma2d_start_transfer(&dma2d_config, color, (uint32_t)dst_addr, width, high); 3: while (bk_dma2d_get_transfer_status()) {}
- 返回
return 0: transfer stop or transfer done;
return 1 dma2d is work or transfer not done
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_int_enable(dma2d_int_type_t int_type, bool enable)
dma2d int enable.
Usage example:
bk_dma2d_int_config(DMA2D_TRANS_ERROR | DMA2D_TRANS_COMPLETE ,1); always use with: bk_dma2d_isr_register(dma2d_isr); bk_dma2d_int_status_get(); bk_dma2d_int_status_clear(DMA2D_TRANS_ERROR_STATUS); bk_dma2d_int_status_clear(DMA2D_TRANS_COMPLETE_STATUS);
- 参数
int_type – select from dma2d_int_type_t, include int type:
enable, : – 1:enable int, 0 disable int
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
uint32_t bk_dma2d_int_status_get(void)
Usage example:
uint32_t int_status; int_status = bk_dma2d_int_status_get(); if (int_status & DMA2D_CFG_ERROR) { bk_dma2d_int_status_clear(DMA2D_CFG_ERROR_STATUS); bk_dma2d_int_config(DMA2D_CFG_ERROR, 0); }
- 返回
return uint32_t value of all int status,
can used by value & dma2d_int_status_t check which int triggered. typedef enum { DMA2D_TRANS_ERROR_STATUS = 0x1, DMA2D_TRANS_COMPLETE_STATUS, DMA2D_WARTERMARK_INT_STATUS, DMA2D_CLUT_TRANS_ERROR_STATUS, DMA2D_CLUT_TRANS_COMPLETE_STATUS, DMA2D_CFG_ERROR_STATUS }dma2d_int_status_t;
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_int_status_clear(dma2d_int_status_t int_status)
clear dma2d int status
- 参数
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_isr_register(dma2d_isr_t dma2d_isr)
register dma2d cpu int isr
- 参数
dma2d_isr – the function you registr isr
- Return values
bk_err_t – status
bk_err_t bk_dma2d_blend(dma2d_blend_t *dma2d_blend)
config dma2d blend
- 参数
- – dma2d_blend struct to config blend params
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
void bk_dma2d_memcpy_or_pixel_convert(dma2d_memcpy_pfc_t *pixel_convert)
config dma2d pixel revert
- 参数
- – dma2d_pixel_convert_t struct to config pixel convert params
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t dma2d_fill(dma2d_fill_t *fill)
config dma2d fill color
- 参数
- – dma2d_fill_t struct to config dma2d fill params
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
API Typedefs
Header File
struct dma2d_init_t
DMA2D Init structure definition.
Public Members
dma2d_mode_t mode
Configures the DMA2D transfer mode.his parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Mode.
uint32_t color_mode
- This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Output_Color_Mode.
Configures the color format of the output image.
uint32_t output_offset
Specifies the Offset value. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0000 and Max_Data = 0x3FFF.
uint32_t alpha_inverted
Select regular or inverted alpha value for the output pixel format converter. This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Alpha_Inverted.
uint32_t line_offset_mode
Configures how is expressed the line offset for the foreground, background and output. This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Line_Offset_Mode.
uint32_t red_blue_swap
Select regular mode (RGB or ARGB) or swap mode (BGR or ABGR) for the output pixel format converter. This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_RB_Swap.
rgb888_dataout_reverse_t data_reverse
in output rgb888 formart, reverse data byte by byte..
dma2d_trans_ability_t trans_ability
set defult MAX_TRANS_256BYTES
dma2d_mode_t mode
struct dma2d_layer_cfg_t
DMA2D Layer structure definition
Public Members
uint32_t input_offset
Configures the DMA2D foreground or background offset. This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x0000 and Max_Data = 0x3FFF.
uint32_t input_color_mode
Configures the DMA2D foreground or background color mode. This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Input_Color_Mode.
uint32_t alpha_mode
Configures the DMA2D foreground or background alpha mode.This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Alpha_Mode.
uint32_t input_color
Specifies color value in case of A8 or A4 color mode.
In case of A8 or A4 color mode (ARGB), this parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x00000000 and Max_Data = 0xFFFFFF where
Inputcolor[16:23] is the red value RED[0:7]
Inputcolor[8:15] is the green value GREEN[0:7]
Inputcolor[0:7] is the blue value BLUE[0:7].
uint32_t alpha_inverted
Select regular or inverted alpha value.This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_Alpha_Inverted.
uint32_t red_blue_swap
Select regular mode (RGB or ARGB) or swap mode (BGR or ABGR). This parameter can be one value of DMA2D_RB_Swap.
uint32_t input_offset
struct dma2d_config_t
Public Members
dma2d_init_t init
dma2d init config, is the value of struct dma2d_init_t
dma2d_layer_cfg_t layer_cfg[MAX_DMA2D_LAYER]
dma2d layer config, is the value of struct dma2d_layer_cfg_t the param MAX_DMA2D_LAYER is select from DMA2D_BACKGROUND_LAYER and DMA2D_FOREGROUND_LAYER
dma2d_init_t init
struct dma2d_blend_t
Public Members
void *pfg_addr
The source memory Buffer address for the foreground layer..
void *pbg_addr
he source memory Buffer address for the background layer…
void *pdst_addr
The output memory Buffer address ..
input_color_mode_t fg_color_mode
fg color mode..
input_color_mode_t bg_color_mode
bg color mode..
out_color_mode_t dst_color_mode
out color mode..
uint32_t fg_offline
for partical copy this is to calculate start addr based on fg frame addr, uint by pixel
uint32_t bg_offline
for partical copy this is to calculate start addr based on bg frame addr, uint by pixel
uint32_t dest_offline
for partical copy this is to calculate output addr based on dst frame addr, uint by pixel
uint32 xsize
dma2d blend x size..
uint32 ysize
dma2d blend y size..
uint8_t fg_alpha_value
config fg alpha..
uint8_t bg_alpha_value
config bg alpha.
uint8_t red_bule_swap
void *pfg_addr
struct dma2d_memcpy_pfc_t
Public Members
void *input_addr
The image memcpy or pixel convert src addr
void *output_addr
The mage memcpy or pixel convert dst addr
uint16_t src_frame_width
memcpy or pfc src image width
uint16_t src_frame_height
imemcpy or pfc src image height
uint16_t src_frame_xpos
src img start copy/pfc x pos
uint16_t src_frame_ypos
src img start copy/pfc y pos
uint16_t dst_frame_width
memcpy to dst image, the dst image width
uint16_t dst_frame_height
memcpy to dst image, the dst image height
uint16_t dst_frame_xpos
dma2d fill x pos based on frame_xsize
uint16_t dst_frame_ypos
dma2d fill y pos based on frame_ysize
uint16_t dma2d_width
dma2d memcpy or pfc width
uint16_t dma2d_height
dma2d memcpy or pfc height
input_color_mode_t input_color_mode
The pixel convert src color mode
out_color_mode_t output_color_mode
The pixel convert dst color mode
uint8_t input_alpha
src data alpha, depend on alpha_mode
uint8_t output_alpha
dst data alpha,depend on alpha_mode
uint8_t input_red_blue_swap
src img red blue swap, select DMA2D_RB_SWAP or DMA2D_RB_REGULAR
uint8_t output_red_blue_swap
src img red blue swap, select DMA2D_RB_SWAP or DMA2D_RB_REGULAR
void *input_addr
struct dma2d_fill_t
Public Members
void *frameaddr
dma2d fill frame baseaddr , normally LCD start frame addr
uint16_t frame_xsize
img/lcd x size
uint16_t frame_ysize
img/lcd y size
uint16_t xpos
dma2d fill x pos based on frame_xsize
uint16_t ypos
dma2d fill y pos based on frame_ysize
uint16_t width
dma2d fill width
uint16_t high
dma2d fill height
uint32_t color
dma2d fill color
void *frameaddr
dma2d macos define
LCD driver not init
if use int type isr register, set this value 1. always use with API bk_dma2d_register_int_callback_isr
define Mode_RGB565 white Value
define Mode_RGB565 black Value
define Mode_ARGB8888/RGB888 Blue Value
define Mode_ARGB8888/RGB888 Green Value
define Mode_ARGB8888/RGB888 Red Value
define Mode_ARGB8888/RGB888 yellow Value
define Mode_ARGB8888/RGB888Alpha Channel Value
define Mode_RGB565 Blue Value
define Mode_RGB565 Green Value
define Mode_RGB565Red Value
define Mode_ARGB1555 Blue Value
define Mode_ARGB1555Green Value
define Mode_ARGB1555 Red Value
define Mode_ARGB1555 Alpha Channel Value
define Mode_ARGB4444 Blue Value
define Mode_ARGB4444 Green Value
define Mode_ARGB4444 Red Value
define Mode_ARGB4444 Alpha Channel Value
DMA2D Background Layer (layer 0)
DMA2D Foreground Layer (layer 1)
DMA2D maximum number of layers
No modification of the alpha channel value
Invert the alpha channel value
Select regular mode (RGB or ARGB)
Select swap mode (BGR or ABGR)
Type Definitions
typedef void (*dma2d_isr_t)(void)
enum dm2d_isr_id_t
if USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS = 1, define int isr register id
enumerator DMA2D_CFG_ERROR_ISR
enumerator DMA2D_CFG_ERROR_ISR
enum dma2d_mode_t
DMA2D enum defines.
enumerator DMA2D_M2M
DMA2D memory to memory transfer mode
enumerator DMA2D_M2M_PFC
DMA2D memory to memory with pixel format conversion transfer mode
enumerator DMA2D_M2M_BLEND
DMA2D memory to memory with blending transfer mode
enumerator DMA2D_R2M
DMA2D register to memory transfer mode
enumerator DMA2D_M2M_BLEND_FG
DMA2D memory to memory with blending transfer mode and fixed color FG
enumerator DMA2D_M2M_BLEND_BG
DMA2D memory to memory with blending transfer mode and fixed color BG
enumerator DMA2D_M2M
enum rgb888_dataout_reverse_t
enumerator NO_REVERSE
in output rgb888 formart, not reverse data byte by byte
enumerator REVERSE
in output rgb888 formart, reverse data byte by byte
enumerator NO_REVERSE
enum out_color_mode_t
enumerator DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB8888
ARGB8888 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_OUTPUT_RGB888
RGB888 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_OUTPUT_RGB565
RGB565 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB1555
ARGB1555 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB4444
ARGB4444 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB8888
enum input_color_mode_t
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_ARGB8888
ARGB8888 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_RGB888
RGB888 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_RGB565
RGB565 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_ARGB1555
ARGB1555 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_ARGB4444
ARGB4444 DMA2D color mode
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_L8
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_AL44
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_AL88
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_L4
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_A8
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_A4
enumerator DMA2D_INPUT_ARGB8888
enum dma2d_int_type_t
dma2d int type
enumerator DMA2D_CFG_ERROR
enumerator DMA2D_TRANS_ERROR
enumerator DMA2D_ALL_INI
enumerator DMA2D_CFG_ERROR
enum dma2d_int_status_t
dma2d int status