Beken chip supports get every adc channel value function for user.
ADC API Status
BK7256 |
BK7256_cp1 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
ADC Channel Number
Capability |
BK7256 |
BK7256_cp1 |
Channel Number |
6 |
6 |
ADC API Reference
Header File
bk_err_t bk_adc_driver_init(void)
Init the ADC driver.
This API init the resoure common to all ADC id:
Init ADC driver control memory
- Attention
1. This API should be called before any other ADC APIs.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_acquire(void)
lock the runing ADC channel
This API lock ADC channel which is runing.
- Parameters
id – ADC id
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_release()
release the runing ADC channel
This API release ADC channel which is runing.
- Parameters
id – ADC id
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_driver_deinit(void)
Deinit the ADC driver.
This API free all resource related to ADC and power down all ADC.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_init(adc_chan_t adc_id)
Init the ADC.
This API init the ADC:
Power up the ADC
Map the ADC id to dedicated GPIO port
Set adc work channel
- Parameters
id – ADC channel
size – ADC recieve data size
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_ADC_NOT_INIT: ADC driver not init
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_ID: ADC id is invalid
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_deinit(adc_chan_t id)
Deinit the ADC id.
This API deinit the ADC id:
Stop the ADC
Disable the ADC id interrupt
Power down the ADC
Unmap gpio id
- Attention
1. This API should be called before use adc.
- Parameters
id – ADC id
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_ADC_NOT_INIT: ADC driver not init
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_ID: ADC id is invalid
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_start(void)
Start the ADC.
This API start adc:
enable the ADC id interrupt
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_stop(void)
Stop the ADC.
This API stop adc:
disable the ADC en bit
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_read_raw(uint16_t *read_buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t timeout)
Start read the raw ADC data.
- Attention
1. The read_buf is in unit of uint16_t, the application needs to malloc (size * 2) bytes for read_buf.
2. The maximum value of size is CONFIG_ADC_BUF_SIZE, if the size exceeds CONFIG_ADC_BUF_SIZE, the API returns BK_ERR_ADC_SIZE_TOO_BIG.
- Parameters
read_buf – application malloc buffer which save the current adc value
size – the size of read_buf, the unit of size is uint16_t
timeout – adc read semaphore timeout
- Returns
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_MODE: ADC mode is invalid
BK_ERR_ADC_SIZE_TOO_BIG: size is too big
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_read(uint16_t *data, uint32_t timeout)
Start read the average value of sampling data.
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_MODE: ADC mode is invalid
others: other errors.
- Parameters
data – store the average value of all sample values in ADC software buffers
timeout – adc read semaphore timeout
- Returns
bk_err_t bk_adc_register_isr(adc_isr_t isr, uint32_t param)
Register the adc interrupt service routine.
- Parameters
isr – ADC intterrupt callback
param – ADC sample data size which depend on user
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_ADC_NOT_INIT: adc not init
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_clk(adc_src_clk_t src_clk, uint32_t clk)
set ADC source clock and work frequence
This API set adc clock source and frequence
- Parameters
src_clk – adc source clock
clk – adc work clock :adc clk
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_SCLK_MODE: ADC source clock is invalid
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_channel(adc_chan_t adc_id)
set ADC work channel
This API set adc work channel
- Parameters
adc_id – adc channel
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_sample_rate(uint32_t sample_rate)
set ADC sample rate
This API set adc work sample rate, period = (16 + sample_rate)*adc_clk mcu output 16 adc_clks every period
- Parameters
sample_rate – adc sample rate
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_filter(uint32_t filter)
set ADC filter
This API set adc filter, the value default < 64, data output rate = period/(filter + 1)
- Parameters
filter – adc filter
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_steady_time(uint32_t steady_ctrl)
set ADC steady time
This API set adc filter, adc wait (steady_ctrl +1)*8 adc_clks to send valid
- Parameters
steady_ctrl – adc steady time
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_sample_cnt(uint32_t cnt)
set ADC sample cnt
This API sets ADC sample cnt per-interrupt, the ADC raises the interrupt when every time it samples number of cnt times. The maximum value of cnt is 32.
- Parameters
cnt – per-interrupt sample cnt
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_saturate_mode(adc_saturate_mode_t mode)
set adc saturate
This API set adc saturate, auto process adc fifo data in cpu ,just get the data from reg ADC_DATA_16
- Parameters
mode – adc saturate
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_get_saturate(adc_saturate_mode_t *mode)
get adc saturate
This API get adc saturate
- Returns
adc_saturate_mode_t: adc saturate mode
bk_err_t bk_adc_enable_bypass_clalibration(void)
enable ADC bypass calibration
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
bk_err_t bk_adc_disable_bypass_clalibration(void)
disable ADC bypass calibration
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_config(adc_config_t *config)
adc set config
This API config adc params
- Parameters
config – adc parameter settings
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_NULL_PARAM : param is null
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_MODE:adc invalid mode
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_SCLK_MODE: ADC source clock is invalid
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_ID: ADC id is invalid
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_adc_set_mode(adc_mode_t adc_mode)
adc set mode
This API config adc mode
- Parameters
mode – : adc mode:
0: sleep mode: adc is power down in this mode
1: single step mode: adc finish sample data convesion once after enable adc and wait mcu to read sample data. The mode will turn to sleep mode after mcu read this sample date It must be enabled again when you want to sample next data.
2: software control mode: adc gengerate interrupt after sample data convesion wait mcu to read sample data. adc will convert sample data after mcu reading this sample date from data register and software cleaning int flag.
3: continous mode:adc wait adc_setting time to sample data, and generate int flag after finish sample data convesion, then always repeat last sample way. This mode don’t depend on muc reading data register.
- Returns
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_ADC_INVALID_MODE:adc invalid mode
others: other errors.
adc_mode_t bk_adc_get_mode(void)
get adc mode
This API get adc work mode
- Returns
adc_mode_t: adc_mode
ADC API Typedefs
Header File
ADC driver not init
ADC chan number is invalid
ADC channel is busy
ADC invalid mode
ADC chan not init
ADC no such source clock
ADC mutex lock
ADC get semaphore error
ADC read data error
ADC read size is bigger than adc driver buffer size
Type Definitions
typedef void (*adc_isr_t)(uint32_t param)
ADC interrupt service routine.
Header File
struct adc_config_t
Public Members
uint32_t clk
ADC sample clock division: adc_clk=clk/[2*(pre_div +1)]
uint32_t sample_rate
ADC sample rate, every period ouput 16 adc_clks in continuous mode period = (16+samp_rate)*adc_clk
uint32_t adc_filter
ADC filter: the output data rate = period/(adc_filter +1)
uint32_t steady_ctrl
ADC steady_ctrl : steady time = (steady_ctrl +1)*8 adc_clk
adc_mode_t adc_mode
ADC mode set
adc_src_clk_t src_clk
ADC source clcok choose
adc_chan_t chan
ADC work channel
adc_saturate_mode_t saturate_mode
ADC saturate_mode
uint32_t is_open
ADC channel is open or not
uint16_t *output_buf
ADC channel output buffer
int32_t output_buf_len
ADC channel output buffer length
uint32_t clk
struct adc_gpio_map_t
enum adc_src_clk_t
enumerator ADC_SCLK_DCO
ADC source clock dco
enumerator ADC_SCLK_XTAL_26M
ADC source clock xtal 26M
enumerator ADC_SCLK_DPLL
ADC source clock dpll
enumerator ADC_SCLK_32M
ADC source clock 32M
enumerator ADC_SCLK_NONE
ADC has not such source clock
enumerator ADC_SCLK_DCO
enum adc_mode_t
enumerator ADC_SLEEP_MODE
ADC sleep mode
ADC single step mode
ADC software control mode
ADC continuous mode
enumerator ADC_NONE_MODE
enumerator ADC_SLEEP_MODE