1、Function overview
In order to facilitate the verification of the relevant functions of MEDIA, this document collects the CLI CMD used. All MEDIA CLI commands start with
, followed by specific commands and parameters. If the command is executed successfully,CMDRSP:OK
is returned. If the command execution fails,CMDRSP:ERROR
is returned.Whether the current command takes effect is controlled by the macro
2、Code path
3、Cli command introduction
The supported CMDs are as follows:
media dvp open
- Function Description
open dvp camera
- CMD Format
media dvp open [param1] [param2]
- The camera output resolution, this can omit for 640X480
Value: 320X240, 480X272, 1280X720, etc.
The dvp data output type, this can omit for MIX Value: yuv for YUYV mix for MIX order jpg-YUYV-jpeg- jpeg for JPEG
- Test Case
open dvp and ppi config 640X480:media dvp open 640X480
media dvp close
- Function Description
close dvp camera test
- CMD Format
media dvp close [param1]
- The camera type need close, this can omit for jpeg
Value: jpeg, yuv, etc.
- Test Case
media dvp close
media uvc open
- Function Description
open uvc camera test
- CMD Format
media uvc open [param1] [param2]
- The camera output data type, this can omit for MJPEG
Value: MJPEG H264.
- The camera output resolution, this can omit for 640X480
Value: 320X240, 480X272, 1280X720, etc.
- Test Case
open uvc and config 800X480 for test:media uvc open 800X480
media uvc close
- Function Description
close uvc camera test
- CMD Format
media uvc close
this cmd no param.
- Test Case
media uvc close
media lcd open
- Function Description
open lcd test
- CMD Format
media lcd open [param1] [param2] [param3]
- The LCD display resolution, defult by value 480X272
Value: 320X480, 1024X600, etc.
- The LCD name for diaplay, defult by value st7282
Value: hx8282, st7282 etc.
- Preamble or not, omit for not need rotate
Value: rotate
- Test Case
open lcd display and config ppi 480X800,if need rotate, the cmd:media lcd open 480X800 nt35512 rotate
SDK Adapted to a variety of screens, if there are multiple screens with the same resolution, you must pass in the param name; if the screen resolution in the SDK is unique, just pass in either the param resolution or the name.
media lcd dma2d_blend
- Function Description
open lcd icon test
- CMD Format
media lcd dma2d_blend [param1] [param2]
- display blend clock, wifi or version
Value: clock, wifi, ver.
if param1 is clock, this param2 is such as 12:00, if param1 is wifi, param2 is wifi lever(0-4),if param1 is ver, the param2 is omit, display defult
- Test Case
after open lcd, send cmd start icon:media lcd open 480X800 nt35512 rotate
, `` media lcd dma2d_blend clock 15:19`` or `` media lcd dma2d_blend wifi 1``
media lcd dma2d_blend close
- Function Description
close lcd icon test
- CMD Format
media lcd dma2d_blend [param1] [param2]
- close .if no use param2 will close all, include clock, wifi version
Value: close.
- if param1 is close, this param2 decided close which module
Value: wifi, clock, ver.
- Test Case
close all icon blend:media lcd dma2d_blend close
close clock icon blend:media lcd dma2d_blend close clock
media lcd close
- Function Description
close lcd display test
- CMD Format
media lcd close
this cmd no param.
- Test Case
media lcd close
media capture
- Function Description
Photograph test, To save a frame of camera image to the SD card, the camera must be opened first to work properly
- CMD Format
media capture param1
The capture name, such as “test.jpg”
- Test Case
Photograph test:media capture 1.jpg
media save_start
- Function Description
Store the data in the camera to a file in the SD card continuously, and each picture is separated by a space.
- CMD Format
media save_start param1
The storage file name, such as “test.264”
- Test Case
Photograph test:media start_save frame.264
media save_stop
- Function Description
Stop saving camera data to SD card
- CMD Format
media save_stop
this cmd no param.
- Test Case
media save_stop