
uvc_uac_api_common是BK7258的 USB UVC + UAC 主机驱动程序,支持从 USB 设备读取/写入/控制多媒体流。当前最多同时支持 1 路摄像头 + 1 路麦克风 + 1 路播放器数据流。 具体的综合使用示例,请参考avdk多媒体代码,谢谢。

UVC 主机驱动基本使用流程

uvc start stop

UVC start/stop

UVC 主机驱动CLI测试示例

注:BK7258 USB 默认运行在CPU2,使用默认avdk调试需要连接UART2协助输入命令测试。 测试目标:UVC 获得参数正常,设置参数正常,Buffer管理正常,启动传输正常,关闭传输正常。

作为HOST 运行Video设备为例,输入命令和LOG信息如下图所示:

uvc connect disconnect

UVC Connect/Disconnect

uvc get param

UVC Get Param

uvc set param

UVC Set Param

注:根据获得参数来设置参数,设置最大包长1024字节,分辨率1280X720 索引1,帧率30fps,视频数据格式索引1(实例中1为MJPG)。

uvc reg buffer ops

UVC Register Buffer ops


uvc start

UVC Start

uvc stop

UVC Stop

UAC 主机驱动基本使用流程

usb open close

UAC start/stop

UAC 主机驱动CLI测试示例

注:BK7258 USB 默认运行在CPU2,使用默认avdk调试需要连接UART2协助输入命令测试。 测试目标:UVC 获得参数正常,设置参数正常,Buffer管理正常,启动传输正常,关闭传输正常。

作为HOST 运行Video+Audio融合设备为例,输入命令和LOG信息如下图所示:

uvc connect disconnect

UAC Connect/Disconnect

uvc get param

UAC Get Param

uvc set param

UAC Set Param


uvc reg buffer ops

UAC Register Buffer ops


uvc mic start


uvc mic stop


uvc start


uvc stop


USB UVC UAC Reference

Header File


bk_err_t bk_uvc_uac_register_callback(bk_uvc_uac_app_callback *uvc_uac_all_cb)

Registering the callback function for UVC and UAC fusion devices.

Register the corresponding callback function based on the structure, and be sure to fill in the specific type to facilitate the management of the callback function parameter: uvc_uac_all_cb E_USB_DEVICE_T dev; FUNCPTR uvc_uac_connect_cb; FUNCPTR uvc_uac_disconnect_cb;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_register_connect_callback(void *param)

UVC connect the callback function registration function registration.

This API connect the callback:

  • parameter is the registered callback function.

  • The callback function needs to be defined.

Notify the registered callback function when the device is connected.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_register_disconnect_callback(void *param)

UVC disconnect the callback function registration function registration.

This API disconnect the callback:

  • parameter is the registered callback function.

  • The callback function needs to be defined.

Notify the registered callback function when the device is disconnected.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_get_param(bk_uvc_device_brief_info_t *uvc_device_info)

Obtain UVC relate parameters.

Including basic parameters,VID PID FORMAT FRAME EndPoint

parameter: uvc_device_info uint16_t vendor_id; uint16_t product_id; bk_uvc_format_index format_index; bk_uvc_all_frame all_frame; uint32_t endpoints_num; struct s_bk_usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep_desc;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_set_param(bk_uvc_config_t *uvc_config)

Configure the basic parameters for starting UVC.

Execute the command according to the configured parameters, please fill in the parameters correctly. Prevent parameter requirements that cannot be executed

parameter: uvc_config uint16_t vendor_id; uint16_t product_id; uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint32_t fps; uint16_t frame_index; uint16_t format_index; struct s_bk_usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep_desc;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_register_transfer_buffer_ops(void *ops)

Start UVC stream transmission.

Execute the command according to the configured parameters, please fill in the parameters correctly. Prevent parameter requirements that cannot be executed

This API means that the data needs to transfer and needs to be copied.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uvc_start(void)

Start UVC stream transmission.

USB video camera data transfer starts:

  • configure the required configuration parameters

  • Send video stream data transfer instructions

This API means that the data starts to transfer and needs to transfer and needs to be copied.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uvc_dual_start(void)
bk_err_t bk_uvc_stop(void)

Stop UVC stream transmission.

USB video camera data transfer stops:

  • Send the video stream data stop transmission command

There will be no more data flow after execution.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uvc_dual_stop(void)
bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_check_support_attribute(uint32_t attribute)

Check whether the attribute configuration is supported.

After connecting the UVC device, determine whether the attribute operation is supported by calling this API:

  • The Parameters has enumeration variable A planning, please fill in the attribute parameter correctly.

  • attribute: Processing Unit Control Selectors;

Choose to call this API.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uvc_attribute_op(E_USB_ATTRIBUTE_OP ops, uint32_t attribute, uint32_t *param)

Set camera attributes values.

This API set/get camera attributes values:

  • Three parameters ops/attributes/values.


  • attributes: Processing Unit Control Selectors

  • param: Incoming parameter pointer

    example: Reference cli_usb.c

  • Valid values needs to be viewed in camera.

Choose to call this API.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_register_connect_callback(void *param)

UAC connect the callback function registration function registration.

This API disconnect the callback:

  • parameter is the registered callback function.

  • The callback function needs to be defined.

Notify the registered callback function when the device is connected.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_register_disconnect_callback(void *param)

UAC disconnect the callback function registration function registration.

This API disconnect the callback:

  • parameter is the registered callback function.

  • The callback function needs to be defined.

Notify the registered callback function when the device is disconnected.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_get_param(bk_uac_device_brief_info_t *uac_device_info)

Obtain UAC relate parameters.

Including basic parameters,VID PID mic_samples_frequence spk_samples_frequence

parameter: uac_device_info uint16_t vendor_id; uint16_t product_id; uint16_t mic_format_tag; uint8_t mic_samples_frequence_num; uint8_t *mic_samples_frequence; struct audio_ep_descriptor *mic_ep_desc; uint16_t spk_format_tag; uint8_t spk_samples_frequence_num; uint8_t *spk_samples_frequence; struct audio_ep_descriptor *spk_ep_desc;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_set_param(bk_uac_config_t *uac_config)

Configure the basic parameters for starting UAC.

Execute the command according to the configured parameters, please fill in the parameters correctly. Prevent parameter requirements that cannot be executed

parameter: uac_config uint16_t vendor_id; uint16_t product_id; uint16_t mic_format_tag; uint32_t mic_samples_frequence; struct audio_ep_descriptor *mic_ep_desc; uint16_t spk_format_tag; uint32_t spk_samples_frequence; struct audio_ep_descriptor *spk_ep_desc;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_set_mic_param(bk_uac_mic_config_t *uac_mic_config)

Configure the basic parameters for starting Mic.

Execute the command according to the configured parameters, please fill in the parameters correctly. Prevent parameter requirements that cannot be executed

parameter: uac_mic_config uint16_t mic_format_tag; uint32_t mic_samples_frequence; struct audio_ep_descriptor *mic_ep_desc;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_set_spk_param(bk_uac_spk_config_t *uac_spk_config)

Configure the basic parameters for starting Speaker.

Execute the command according to the configured parameters, please fill in the parameters correctly. Prevent parameter requirements that cannot be executed

parameter: uac_spk_config uint16_t spk_format_tag; uint32_t spk_samples_frequence; struct audio_ep_descriptor *spk_ep_desc;


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_register_transfer_buffer_ops(void *ops)

Start UVC stream transmission.

Execute the command according to the configured parameters, please fill in the parameters correctly. Prevent parameter requirements that cannot be executed

This API means that the data needs to transfer and needs to be copied.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uac_start_mic(void)

Start UAC mic stream transmission.

USB audio data transfer starts:

  • configure the required configuration parameters

  • Send audio stream data transfer instructions

This API means that the data starts to transfer and needs to transfer and needs to be copied.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uac_stop_mic(void)

Stop UAC mic stream transmission.

USB audio data transfer stops:

  • Send the video stream data stop transmission command

There will be no more data flow after execution.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uac_start_speaker(void)

Start UAC speaker stream transmission.

USB audio data transfer starts:

  • configure the required configuration parameters

  • Send audio stream data transfer instructions

This API means that the data starts to transfer and needs to transfer and needs to be copied.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_uac_stop_speaker(void)

Stop UAC speaker stream transmission.

USB audio data transfer stops:

  • Send the video stream data stop transmission command

There will be no more data flow after execution.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_check_support_attribute(uint32_t attribute)

Check whether the attribute configuration is supported.

After connecting the UAC device, determine whether the attribute operation is supported by calling this API:

  • The Parameters has enumeration variable A planning, please fill in the attribute parameter correctly.

  • attribute: Feature Unit Control Bits;

Choose to call this API.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.

bk_err_t bk_usb_uac_attribute_op(E_USB_ATTRIBUTE_OP ops, uint32_t attribute, uint32_t *param)

Set camera attributes values.

This API set/get camera attributes values:

  • Three parameters ops/attributes/values.


  • attributes: Feature Unit Control Bits

  • param: Incoming parameter pointer

    example: Reference cli_usb.c

  • Valid values needs to be viewed in camera.

Choose to call this API.


  • BK_OK: succeed

  • others: other errors.