


  • BK7236 CPU0的log通过串口DL_UART0输出(默认波特率为115200)

  • 由于内存缓冲区的限制,每条log数据的字节数,要小于128字节。超过这个大小的log都会被shell 模块丢弃,并输出一条 !!some LOGs discarded!! 如果log数量太多,来不及输出导致log堆积,缓冲区用完,也会输出这条提示字符串。

  • 通过串口输入log命令查看当前log配置

  • 通过串口输入help命令查看当前支持的调试命令:

log: echo 1, level 3, sync 0.


====Build-in Commands====
log: log [echo(0,1)] [level(0~5)] [sync(0,1)] [Whitelist(0,1)]
debug: debug cmd [param] (ex:debug help)
cpu1: cpu1 cmd (ex:cpu1 help)
loginfo: log statistics.
modlog: modlog tag_name on/off

====User Commands====
2bd_master_test: 2bd_master_test {start|stop}
2bd_slave_test: 2bd_slave_test {start|stop}
AT+BLE: AT+TYPE_CMD=CMD_name,param1,...,paramn
AT+MAC: mac <mac>, get/set mac. e.g. mac c89346000001
AT+WIFI: AT+TYPE_CMD=CMD_name,param1,...,paramn, refer to the at guide.
aon_rtc_auto_test: {id} {start|stop}
aon_rtc_clock_src: aon_rtc_clock_src {26m|rosc}
aon_rtc_driver: aon_rtc_driver {init|deinit}
aon_rtc_dump: {id}
aon_rtc_get_time: aon_rtc_get_time {id}
aon_rtc_register: aon_rtc_register {id} {name} {period_tick} {period_cnt}, {callback}
aon_rtc_rosc_cal: aon_rtc_rosc_cal interval
aon_rtc_rosc_test: aon_rtc_rosc_test
aon_rtc_time_of_day: aon_rtc_time_of_day {get|set} {sec|usec}
aon_rtc_unregister: aon_rtc_unregister {id} {name}
ap: ap ssid [password] [channel[1:14]]
assert: asset and dump system information
aud_adc_dma_test: aud_adc_dma_test {start|stop sample_rate}
aud_adc_loop_test: aud_adc_loop_test {start|stop sample_rate}
aud_adc_mcp_test: aud_adc_mcp_test {start|stop sample_rate}
aud_dac_dma_test: aud_dac_dma_test {start|stop 8000|16000|44100|48000}
aud_dac_eq_test: aud_dac_eq_test {start|stop}
aud_dac_mcp_test: aud_dac_mcp_test {8000|16000|44100|48000}
aud_dmic_dma_test: aud_adc_dma_test {start|stop sample_rate}
aud_dmic_loop_test: aud_adc_loop_test {start|stop sample_rate}
aud_dmic_mcp_test: aud_adc_mcp_test {start|stop sample_rate}
aud_dtmf_loop_test: aud_dtmf_loop_test {start|stop}
aud_dtmf_mcp_test: aud_dtmf_mcp_test {start|stop}
backtrace: show task backtrace
bcn_loss_intv: bcn_loss_intv interval repeat_num}
blacklist: Set ssid blacklist
ble: ble arg1 arg2
bootcore: bootcore [core id] [mode: 1:start,0:stop]
cali: cali auto_test
capa: wifi capability config
cca: cca open\close\show
channel: channel {1~13} - set monitor channel
ckmn: ckmn ckeck32k {32|other}
ckmn_driver: ckmn_driver {init|deinit}
ckmn_show_reg: ckmn show_reg
ckmnautosw: ckmnautosw {26m|32k}
ckmncorr: ckmncorr {26m|32k} {0|1|2|3}
cpuload: show task cpu load
cputest: cputest [count]
dhcpc: dhcpc
dma: dma {id} {init|deinit|start|stop|set_tran_len|get_remain_len}
dma_chnl: dma_chnl alloc
dma_chnl_free: dma_chnl_free {id}
dma_chnl_test: {start|stop} {uart1|uart2|uart3} {wait_ms}
dma_config: dma_config {mode|priority|pasue|src|dst}{mode value/priority value/dev,width,increase_en,loop_en,start_addr,end_addr}\0dma_copy: copy {src} {dst} {len}
dma_driver: dma_driver {init|deinit}
dma_int: dma_int {id} {reg|enable_hf_fini|disable_hf_fini|enable_fini|disable_fini|pause}
dma_memcopy_test: copy {count|in_number1|in_number2|out_number1|out_number2}
dtm_master_test: dtm_master_test {start|stop}
dtm_slave_test: dtm_slave_test {start|stop}
dvfs: dvfs [cksel_core] [ckdiv_core] [ckdiv_bus] [ckdiv_cpu0] [ckdiv_cpu1]
dvfs_auto_test: dvfs_auto_test [period]
efuse: efuse [-r addr] [-w addr data]
efuse_driver: efuse_driver {init|deinit}
efuse_test: efuse_test {write|read}
efusemac: efusemac [-r] [-w] [mac]
event: event {reg|unreg|post} {mod_id} {event_id}
exception: {undefine|dabort|illegal|irq|fiq}
fatfs_idle_test: fatfs_idle_test {start|stop|clean}
fatfstest: fatfstest <cmd>
filter: filter <bits> - bit0/d, 1/preq, 2/prsp, 3/b, 4/a
flash: flash {erase|read|write} [start_addr] [len]
flash_erase_test: cli_flash_erase_test with ble connecting
flash_partition: flash_partition {show}
flash_test: flash_test <cmd(R/W/E/N)>
fmap_test: flash_test memory map
get: get wifi status
gpio: gpio     [set_mode/output_low/output_high/input/spi_mode]      [id]     [mode]
gpio_driver: gpio_driver    [init/deinit]}
gpio_int: gpio_int    [index]     [inttype/start/stop]     [low/high_level/rising/falling edge]
gpio_kpsta: gpio_kpsta [register/unregister][index][io_mode][pull_mode][func_mode]
gpio_low_power: gpio_low_power [simulate][param]
gpio_map: gpio_map     [sdio_map/spi_map]
gpio_wake: gpio_wake [index][low/high_level/rising/falling edge][enable/disable wakeup]
http_ota: http_ota url
httplog: httplog [1|0].
i2c: i2c {init|write|read}
i2c_driver: i2c_driver {init|deinit}
i2s_master_test: i2s_master_test {start|stop}
i2s_slave_test: i2s_slave_test {start|stop}
int: retarget {int_group0} {int_group1}
ip: ip [sta|ap][{ip}{mask}{gate}{dns}]
ipconfig: ipconfig [sta|ap][{ip}{mask}{gate}{dns}]
ipdbg: ipdbg [function][value]
iperf: iperf help
iplog: iplog [modle][type]
la: la rf_adc_40M/rf_adc[_80M]/fe_adc/rf_dac/fe_dac
lwip_mem: print lwip memory information
lwip_pbuf: print lwip pbuf information
lwip_stats: print lwip protocal statistics
mac: mac <mac>, get/set mac. e.g. mac c89346000001
mem_apply: mem_apply [module][value]
memdump: <addr> <length>
memleak: [show memleak
memset: <addr> <value 1> [<value 2> ... <value n>]
memshow: show free heap
memstack: show stack memory usage
memtest: <addr> <length>
memtest_r: <src> <dest> <size>
memtest_wr: <addr> <count>
memtime: <addr> <count> <0:write,1:read>
micodebug: micodebug on/off
monitor: monitor {1~13|15|99}
mpucfg: <rnr> <rbar> <rlar>
mpuclr: <rnr>
mpudump: dump mpu config
mqttali: ali mqtt test
mqttsend: mqttsend [topic] [msg]
net: net {sta/ap} ... - wifi net config
osinfo: show os runtime information
otp_test: otp_test {read}
pcm_master_test: pcm_master_test {start|stop}
pcm_slave_test: pcm_slave_test {start|stop}
per_packet_info: per_packet_info [per_packet_info_output_bitmap(base 16)]
ping: ping <ip>
pkt_dbg: packet debug config
pm: pm [sleep_mode] [wake_source] [vote1] [vote2] [vote3] [param1] [param2] [param3]
pm_ana: pm_ana [1/0]
pm_auto_vote: pm_auto_vote [auto_vote_value]
pm_boot_cp1: pm_boot_cp1 [module_name] [ctrl_state:0x0:bootup; 0x1:shutdowm]
pm_boot_cp2: pm_boot_cp2 [module_name] [ctrl_state:0x0:bootup; 0x1:shutdowm]
pm_clk: pm_clk [module_name][clk_state]
pm_cp1_ctrl: pm_cp1_ctrl [cp1_auto_pw_ctrl]
pm_ctrl: pm_ctrl [ctrl_value]
pm_debug: pm_debug [debug_en_value]
pm_freq: pm_freq [module_name][ frequency]
pm_gpio: pm_gpio [1/0]
pm_ldo: pm_ldo[module_name][gpio id][gpio_output_state:0x0->low voltage, 0x1->high voltage]
pm_lpo: pm_lpo [lpo_type]
pm_power: pm_power [module_name][ power state]
pm_psram: pm_psram[module_name][ctrl_state:0x0:power&clk on; 0x1:power&clk off]
pm_pwr_state: pm_pwr_state [pwr_state]
pm_rosc: pm_rosc [rosc_accuracy_count_interval]
pm_rosc_cali: pm_rosc_cali [cali_mode][cal_intval]
pm_rosc_pin: pm_rosc_pin [lpo_clk:0:ana;1:dig]
pm_rosc_ppm: pm_rosc_ppm [interval] [count]
pm_vcore: pm_vcore [value]
pm_vol: pm_vol [vol_value]
pm_vote: pm_vote [pm_sleep_mode] [pm_vote] [pm_vote_value] [pm_sleep_time]
pm_wakeup_source: pm_wakeup_source [pm_sleep_mode]
ps: ps enable and debug info config
psram_cache: psram_cache <addr> <size>
psram_free: psram_free <addr>
psram_malloc: psram_malloc <length>
psram_state: psram_state
psram_task_create: create task on psram
psram_task_delete: delete task on psram
psram_test: start|stop
psram_test_ext: init|byte|word|rewirte|deinit
puf: puf {version|enrollment|read_uid}
qspi: qspi {init|write|read}
qspi_driver: qspi_driver {init|deinit}
qspi_flash: qspi_flash {write|read}
rc: wifi rate control config
reboot: reboot system
regdump: regdump {module}
regshow: regshow -w/r addr [value]
rfcali_cfg_mode: 1:manual, 0:auto
rfcali_cfg_rate_dist: b g n40 ble (0-31)
rfcali_cfg_tssi_b: 0-255
rfcali_cfg_tssi_g: 0-255
rfconfig: rfconfig bt_polar|bt_btpll|bt_wifipll|wifi_btpll|wifi_wifipll
rxsens: rxsens [-m] [-d] [-c] [-l]
scan: scan [ssid]
sd_card: sd_card {init|deinit|read|write|erase|cmp|}
sdio: sdio {init|deinit|send_cmd|config_data}
sdio_host_driver: sdio_host_driver {init|deinit}
sdmadc: sdmadc_test
sdtest: sdtest <cmd>
set_interval: set listen interval}
setclock: set clock freq, 0: PM_LPO_SRC_DIVD, 1: PM_LPO_SRC_X32K
setcpufreq: setcpufreq [ckdiv_core] [ckdiv_bus] [ckdiv_cpu0] [ckdiv_cpu1]
setjtagmode: set jtag mode {cpu0|cpu1|cpu2} {group1|group2}
setprintport: set log/shell uart port 0/1/2
spi: spi {init|write|read}
spi_config: spi_config {id} {mode|baud_rate} [...]
spi_data_test: spi_data_test {id} {master|slave} {baud_rate|send}[...]
spi_driver: spi_driver {init|deinit}
spi_flash: spi_flash {id} {readid|read|write|erase} {addr} {len}[...]
spi_int: spi_int {id} {reg} {tx|rx}
sta: sta ssid [password][bssid][channel]
stackguard: stackguard <override_len>
start_hidden_softap: start_hidden_softap ssid [password] [channel[1:14]]
starttype: show start reason type
state: state - show STA/AP state
stop: stop {sta|ap}
tasklist: list tasks
tempd: tempd [init|deinit|stop|start|update]
time: system time
timer: timer {chan} {start|stop|read} [...]
touch_multi_channel_cyclic_calib_test: touch_multi_channel_cyclic_calib_test {start|stop} {0|1|2|3}
touch_multi_channel_scan_mode_test: touch_multi_channel_scan_mode_test {start|stop} {0|1|2|3}
touch_single_channel_calib_mode_test: touch_single_channel_calib_mode_test {0|1|...|15} {0|1|2|3}
touch_single_channel_manul_mode_test: touch_single_channel_manul_mode_test {0|1|...|15} {calibration_value}
touch_single_channel_multi_calib_test: touch_single_channel_multi_calib_test {0|1|...|15} {0|1|2|3}
trace: test trace information
trng: trng {start|stop|get}
trng_driver: {init|deinit}
txevm: txevm [-m] [-c] [-l] [-r] [-w]
uart: uart {id} {init|deinit|write|read|write_string|dump_statis} [...]
uart_config: uart_config {id} {baud_rate|data_bits} [...]
uart_driver: {init|deinit}
uart_int: uart_int {id} {enable|disable|reg} {tx|rx}
wdt: wdt {start|stop|feed} [...]
wdt_driver: {init|deinit}

$wifi_diag: Wi-Fi HW diagnostics config


BK7236 JLink configuration
BK7236 JLink configuration
BK7236 JLink configuration
  • 默认jtag连接cpu0,BK7236有两个Jtag口(grou1/group2)

  • 可以通过setjtagmode cpu0 group1命令设置jtag连接cpu0

  • 可以通过setjtagmode cpu1 group1设置jtag连接cpu1

  • 可以通过jtagmode命令查看当前jtag状态

Armino平台BK7236/BK7258 异常dump一键恢复现场工具

  • 请参考发布工具中使用文档: https://dl.bekencorp.com/tools/Debug_tool/BK7258-debug.zip

  • BK7236/BK7258 dump工具常见问题:

    • 默认Release版本dump功能是关闭的, 可以通过CONFIG_DUMP_ENABLE配置打开

    • Dump工具恢复现场的原理是脚本通过分析log,解析出regs,itcm,dtcm,sram内容,然后通过gdb将这些内容恢复到qemu虚拟机中

    • Log文件的后缀支持txt, log, DAT

    • Log文件的编码当前只支持utf-8, 其他编码格式可用通过notepad++手动转换为utf-8编码格式

    • 如果工具目录下有多份Log, 或者Log中有多次Dump, 工具会分析最后一次Dump, 需要保证工具目录下只有一份Log, 且Log中只有一份dump

    • Dump工具可以自动去掉日志里规则的时间戳: [2024-02-03 14:35:13.375193], 如果遇到不规则的时间戳, 需要手动去除

    • Dump过程中如果出现2次异常, 常见的如检测内存越界时, 遇到Assert, 会多打印一次寄存器, 解析时需要删掉第二次寄存器打印

    • Dump会将当前cpu的寄存器, itcm, dtcm, 以及640k sram全部dump出来

    • Dump过程中如果遇到两个cpu同时dump, 需要将Log拆分成两份dump文件,分别用cpu0和cpu1的elf来恢复现场

    • 每个cpu需要当前cpu的寄存器, itcm, dtcm, sram加上elf就可以恢复现场


      Current regs:
      0 r0 x 0x0
      1 r1 x 0x28061ca0
      2 r2 x 0x0
      3 r3 x 0x8061ca0
      4 r4 x 0x28061d74
      5 r5 x 0x28061d70
      6 r6 x 0x28085a90
      7 r7 x 0x28061de4
      8 r8 x 0x8080808
      9 r9 x 0x9090909
      10 r10 x 0x10101010
      11 r11 x 0x11111111
      12 r12 x 0x1
      14 sp x 0x20000928
      15 lr x 0x21ec909
      16 pc x 0x21ec8fa
      17 xpsr x 0x61000000
      18 msp x 0x2808ff48
      19 psp x 0x20000908
      20 primask x 0x0
      21 basepri x 0x0
      22 faultmask x 0x0
      23 fpscr x 0x0
      30 CPU0 xPSR x 0x4
      31 LR x 0xfffffffd
      32 control x 0xc
      40 MMFAR x 0x8061ca0
      41 BFAR x 0x8061ca0
      42 CFSR x 0x82
      43 HFSR x 0x0
      MemFault              =========> 初步异常原因是内存访问异常


      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=20000000, stack end=20004000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=20000000, stack end=20004000


      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=00000020, stack end=00004000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=00000020, stack end=00004000


      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=28040000, stack end=28060000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=28040000, stack end=28060000
      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=28060000, stack end=280a0000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=28060000, stack end=280a0000
      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=28000000, stack end=28010000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=28000000, stack end=28010000
      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=28010000, stack end=28020000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=28010000, stack end=28020000
      >>>>stack mem dump begin, stack_top=28020000, stack end=28040000
      <<<<stack mem dump end. stack_top=28020000, stack end=28040000
    • 当系统打开CONFIG_MEM_DEBUG时, Dump过程会将当前系统正在使用的Heap内存全部打印出来, 并检查是否有内存越界:

      tick       addr         size   line    func                               task
      --------   ----------   ----   -----   --------------------------------   ----------------
      6976       0x28064b68   80     425     xQueueGenericCreate                media_ui_task
      6976       0x28064be0   80     425     xQueueGenericCreate                media_ui_task
      6976       0x28064c58   160    425     xQueueGenericCreate                media_ui_task
      6976       0x28064d20   1024   863     xTaskCreate_ex                     media_ui_task
      6976       0x28065148   104    868     xTaskCreate_ex                     media_ui_task
      6976       0x2807d098   80     425     xQueueGenericCreate                transfer_major_task
      6976       0x2807d110   80     425     xQueueGenericCreate                transfer_major_task
    • 正常情况下也会将task相关信息dump到日志, 供问题分析时参考