Wi-Fi iPerf Application Example

This section describes the usage of iPerf based on BEKEN chip. It contains three chapters:

  • iPerf Test Example and Configuration

  • BEKEN iPerf Usage

  • FAQ

Example and Configuration

The configuration file of iPerf located in components/demos/net/iperf/iperf.c, it supports four modes: TCP_SERVER、TCP_CLIENT、UDP_SERVER、UDP_CLIENT

  • IPERF_REPORT_INTERVAL—————–Report interval, default 1s

  • IPERF_MAX_TX_RETRY——————–Max retry times, default 10

  • THREAD_PROIRITY———————–Priority of system thread, default 4

BEKEN iPerf Usage

iPerf Usage

Usage: iperf [-s|-c host] [options]
       iperf [-h|--stop]

-p           server port to listen on/connect to

Server specific:
-s           run in server mode

Client specific:
-c <host>    run in client mode, connecting to <host>

-u           udp support, and the default mode is tcp
-h           print this message and quit
--stop       stop iperf program

iPerf Cmd Example

Client Mode(Upstream)

TCP Client Mode

iperf -c IP

UDP Client Mode

iperf -c IP -u

Server Mode(Downstream)

TCP Server Mode

iperf -s

UDP Server Mode

iperf -s -u

iPerf Running Log

iperf -c              //TCP Client TX
create iperf_tcp_c, tcb=30024cf0, stack=[30032170-30033170:4096], prio=5
iperf: connect to iperf server successful!
[0-1] sec bandwidth: 20021 Kbits/sec.
[1-2] sec bandwidth: 21757 Kbits/sec.

iperf -s -i1                        //TCP Server RX
create iperf_tcp_s, tcb=30024d20, stack=[30031ce0-30032ce0:4096], prio=5
iperf: new client connected from (, 65070)
[0-1] sec bandwidth: 11567 Kbits/sec.
[1-2] sec bandwidth: 15658 Kbits/sec.

iperf -c -u           //UDP Client TX
create iperf_udp_c, tcb=30024cf0, stack=[30031ce0-30032ce0:4096], prio=5
iperf udp mode run...
[0-1] sec bandwidth: 28141 Kbits/sec.
[1-2] sec bandwidth: 35268 Kbits/sec.

iperf -s -u -i1                     //UDP Server RX
create iperf_udp_s, tcb=30024cf0, stack=[30031ce0-30032ce0:4096], prio=5
[0-1] sec bandwidth: 17463 Kbits/sec.
[1-2] sec bandwidth: 18910 Kbits/sec.


iPerf Tool Introduction

  • iPerf Tool Download: Download . iPerf user docs could find the presentation

  • It is recommended to use iPerf 2.0.x version

Factors about iPerf Throughput Performance

  • DUT Wi-Fi RF Performance, make sure OTA and EVM test pass

  • Test Environment interference: it is best to test under the RF shield room

  • Test environment: Reasonable distance between AP and DUT, an external antenna is better than embedded one

  • Make sure to remain enough memory for iPerf running

  • Compatibility with some particular routers