build implementation


Design ideas

ARMINO construction is mainly designed with object-oriented thinking, and the key points to understand:

  • Second scan of CMakeLists.txt, there is a chance to do some special processing during dependency expansion

  • Dependency expansion is performed before building to simplify the writing of dependencies

  • projects/components is derived from cmake’s projects/target, overriding default values by setting specific variables before the function call, and by setting specific properties after the function call

  • Allow projects/components to be hooked before, during, and after core script execution

  • Provide packaged APIs to handle more than 90% of the vast majority of scenarios, only a few special scenarios require complex cmake script processing

build script

The listing file for the ARMINO build system is located in /tools/build_tools/cmake.The modules that implement the core functions of the build system are as follows

  • build.cmake - build related functions, i.e. build initialization, retrieving/setting build properties, build processing.

  • component.cmake - Component related functions, such as adding components, retrieving/setting component properties, registering components.

  • kconfig.cmake - Generate configuration files (sdkconfig, sdkconfig.h, sdkconfig.cmake, etc.) from Kconfig files.

  • target.cmake - sets the build target and toolchain files.

  • utilities.cmake - other help commands.

In addition to these files, there are two important CMake scripts in /tools/build_tools/cmake:

  • armino.cmake - sets build parameters and imports the core modules listed above.

  • project.cmake - imports armino.cmake and provides a custom project() command that handles all the heavy lifting of building the executable. Included in the top-level CMakeLists.txt of a standard ARMINO project

The other files in /tools/build_tools/cmake are support files or third-party scripts for the build process.

build process

The build process can be roughly divided into four stages: initialization, Generate-component-list, component-handling and Finish.


This phase sets the necessary parameters for the build.

  • After importing armino.cmake into project.cmake, the following steps are performed:
    • Set ARMINO_PATH in an environment variable or infer a relative path from the project.cmake path contained in the top-level CMakeLists.txt.

    • Add /tools/build_tools/cmake to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and import core modules and various helper/3rd party scripts.

    • Set build tools/executables like default Python interpreter.

    • Set global build parameters, i.e. compile options, compile definitions, include directories for all components.

    • Add components from components and middleware to the build.

  • The initial part of the custom project() command performs the following steps:
    • Set ARMINO_TARGET in an environment variable or CMake cache and set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE to use accordingly.

    • Add components from EXTRA_COMPONENTS_DIRS to the build

    • Prepare parameters for calling command armino_build_process() from variables such as COMPONENTS/EXCLUDE_COMPONENTSSDKCONFIGSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS etc. phase.

armino_build_process() command marks the end of this.

Generate component list

This phase builds a list of components that need to be processed during the build process, and is done in the first half of armino_build_process().

  • Find public and private dependencies for each component. Create a subprocess to execute each component’s CMakeLists.txt in script mode. The values of the armino_component_register REQUIRES and PRIV_REQUIRES parameters are returned to the parent process. This is the component dependency extension (or early extension). In this step define the variable ``CMAKE_BUILD_EARLY_EXPANSION``.

  • Recursively import individual components based on public and private dependencies.

component handling

This stage handles components in the build and is the second half of armino_build_process().

  • Load the project configuration from the sdkconfig file and generate the sdkconfig.cmake and sdkconfig.h header files. These two files define configuration variables/macros that can be accessed from build scripts and C/C++ source/header files, respectively.

  • Import ``project_include.cmake``for each component.

  • Add each component as a subdirectory, processing its CMakeLists.txt. The component CMakeLists.txt calls the registration command armino_component_register to add source files, import directories, create component libraries, link dependencies, etc.


This stage is the remaining step of armino_build_process().

  • Create an executable and link it into the component library.

  • Generate project metadata files such as project_description.json and display relevant information such as the built project.

Please refer to /tools/build_tools/cmake/project.cmake for more information.