Timer API Status
BK7256 |
BK7256_cp1 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Timer API Reference
Header File
bk_err_t bk_timer_driver_init(void)
Init the timer driver.
This API init the resoure common to all timer channels:
Init timer driver control memory
This API should be called before any other timer APIs.
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_timer_driver_deinit(void)
Deinit the timer driver.
This API free all resource related to timer and power down all timer channels.
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_timer_start(timer_id_t timer_id, uint32_t time_ms, timer_isr_t callback)
Start the timer.
- Attention
1. timer2 has been used for time cali
2. timer3 has been used for clock, but bk7271 use timer1
3. bk7271 has used timer0(10ms)
- 参数
timer_id – the timer ID to be started
time_ms – time delay value of the timer
callback – the timer call back function
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
BK_ERR_TIMER_NOT_INIT: timer driver not init
BK_ERR_TIMER_ID: timer id is invalid
BK_ERR_TIMER_IS_RUNNING: timer id is running
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_timer_start_without_callback(timer_id_t timer_id, uint32_t time_ms)
Start the timer without set callback.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer ID to be started
timer_ms – time delay value of the timer
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: others errors
bk_err_t bk_timer_stop(timer_id_t timer_id)
Stop the timer.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer ID to be stoped
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
uint32_t bk_timer_get_cnt(timer_id_t timer_id)
Get the current counter value.
- Attention
1. The caller need to make sure the parameter timer_id is correct!
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
- 返回
counter value
bk_err_t bk_timer_enable(timer_id_t timer_id)
Enable the timer.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer ID
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_timer_disable(timer_id_t timer_id)
Disable the timer.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer ID
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
uint32_t bk_timer_get_period(timer_id_t timer_id)
Get the counter value set by bk_timer_start()
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
- 返回
counter value set by bk_timer_start()
uint32_t bk_timer_get_enable_status(void)
Get the timer enable status.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
- 返回
timer enable status
bool bk_timer_is_interrupt_triggered(timer_id_t timer_id)
Get whether the timer interrupt triggered.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
- 返回
the timer interrupt status
uint64_t bk_timer_get_time(timer_id_t timer_id, uint32_t div, uint32_t last_count, timer_value_unit_t unit_type)
Get the timer count value in ms or us.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
div – the divider of clock frequency
last_count – last count of the timer
timer_value_unit_t – the time unit, ms or us
- 返回
the timer value in micro seconds
bk_err_t bk_timer_delay_with_callback(timer_id_t timer_id, uint64_t time_us, timer_isr_t callback)
This function set the delay based on the current running counter, which is different from bk_timer_start.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
time_us – time delay value of the timer by us
callback – the timer delay call back function
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
bk_err_t bk_timer_cancel(timer_id_t timer_id)
Cancel the timer delay task, reset timer and set ISR to NULL, it will not disable the timer, which is different from bk_timer_stop.
- 参数
timer_id – the timer id
- 返回
BK_OK: succeed
others: other errors.
Timer API Typedefs
Header File
timer id is invalid
timer driver not init
timer id is running
timer id is error
Type Definitions
typedef void (*timer_isr_t)(timer_id_t timer_id)
Timer interrupt service routine.
Header File
Type Definitions
typedef uint8_t timer_unit_t
Timer uint id
enum timer_src_clk_t
enumerator TIMER_SCLK_CLK32
TIMER source clock dco
enumerator TIMER_SCLK_XTAL
TIMER source clock xtal 26M
enumerator TIMER_SCLK_CLK32