fault detection & handling


it is required for a robust application programming to detect and handle runtime error in time. This section introduces SDK macros for fault dection & handing, and some error code definitions.

error code definitions

The majority of current SDK APIs have been returned error code defined by bk_err_t type, any new added API will return error code defined by bk_err_t type, except for the void prototype APIs.

There are following error types defined in SDK:

  • BK_OK, define with 0, means no error or success.

  • general error codes defined in bk_err.h, for exampel, BK_ERR_NO_MEM means memory insufficient.

  • module error codes, defined like BK_ERR_MOD_xxx, where MOD specified the module generated the error. for example, BK_ERR_WIFI_STA_NOT_CONFIG indicates the error from WiFi module, error cause is STA_NOT_CONFIG.

Two general rules for SDK error code:

  • minus value for all error codes.

  • code value is unique in SDK, each module defines the base value for error code in bk_err.h, then allocate the error codes in the range for its module in the module API header file.


APIs from 3rd part will not return error codes of bk_err_t type, such as socket APIs, etc.

error code returns

Functions should return different error code for different fault location, even with the same fault cause, to facilitate debug.


In some SDK API, some return codes described as ‘others’, that usually means error code returned from lower level functions or from other modules.

Macros for error detection

we recommend using the Macros defined in SKD for error detection.


when the macro parameter (maybe the result of a expression) is not BK_OK, the macro code will just output the running function name, current line number, error code, then go on with the called function.


when the macro parameter (maybe the result of a expression) is not BK_OK, the macro will return the parameter as the error code of the called function.


when the macro parameter is not BK_OK, macro code will call bk_reboot() to restart system.